Anatomy questions


1. Blood Supply
2. Anastomosis
3. Venous drainage
4. Covering
5. Nerve and plexus
6. Retinaculum
7. Boundaries and content
8. Joints
9. Viscera
10. NeuroAnatomy
11. Embryology
12. Histology

1. Blood Supply

1. Aorta parts and it’s branches

2. Heart blood supply (Aortic sinus) – Right and left coronary artery
Question. Myocardial infraction
Question. Angina pectoris (Chest pain)

3. Brain blood supply
Question. Circle of Willis (COW)
Question. Stroke

4. Thyroid gland blood supply
Question. Thyroidectomy

5. Lungs (Right and left) blood supply

6. Abdominal aorta branches

7. Coeliac trunk
Question. Stomach blood supply

8. Superior mesenteric artery (SMA) branches

9. Inferior mesenteric artery (IMA) branches

10. Rectum and anal canal blood supply
Question. Haemoroids (Piles)

11. Foetal circulation-
Question. CHD (Congenital Heart Defects)
Question. ASD (Atrial Septum Defect)
Question. PDA (Patent Ductus Arteriosus)

12. Nose blood supply (Lateral and medial wall)
Question. Epistaxis or nose bleeding
Question. Little’s area (Kiesselbachs plexus)

13. Femoral artery branches

Suggestion- If you want to understand the whole body blood supply (Upper limb, Lower limb, thorax, Abdomen, and Head and Neck) into one page chart, then click on whole body blood supply pic. (See above)

2. Anastomosis

1. Anastomosis around body of scapula and acromian process

2. Recurrent and collateral anastomosis or anastomosis around elbow joint

3. Trochanteric and cruciate anastomosis

4. Genicular anastomosis or anastomosis around knee joint

3. Venous drainage

1. External and internal jugular vein (EJV and IJV)

2. Pterygoid venous plexus

3. Cavernous Sinus

4. Dural venous sinus

5. Heart venous drainage (Coronary Sinus)

6. Azygous, hemiazygos and accessory hemiazygos vein

7. Portacaval anastomosis
Question. Esophageal varices (Vomiting of blood or hematemesis)
Question. Haemoroids or Piles

8. Portal vein (Formed by superior mesenteric vein and Splenic vein)
Question. Portal vein hypertension
Question. Ascites (see no. 4 point – Covering)

9. Rectum and anal canal venous drainage
Question. Haemoroids or piles

10. Great saphenous vein (GSV)-
Question. Venous cut down
Question. Varicose vein
Question. Deep venous thrombosis

4. Covering

1. Pleura
Question. Pleural effusion

2. Pericardium
Question. Pericardial effusion

3. Peritoneum
Question. Peritoneum effusion or ascites
Question. Damage in stab injury
Question. Epiploic foramen or foramen of winslow

5. Nerve and plexus

1. Brachial plexus

Question. Erb’s Palsy
Question. Klumpkeys palsy 
Question. Long thoracic nerve injury (damge in breast cancer surgery)
Question. Winging of scapula

1. Musculocutaneous nerve

2. Axillary nerve
Question. Damage in shoulder joint dislocation

3. Radial nerve and wrist drop
Question. Damage in humerous shaft fracture

4. Ulnar nerve
Question. Fracture of medial epicondyle of humerus
Question. Claw hand
Question. Ulnar claw

5. Median nerve
Question. Carple tunnel syndrome (CTS)

2. Lumbar and sacral plexus

1. Sciatic nerve
Question. Intra muscular injection in gluteal region

2. Tibial nerve
Question. Tarsal tunnel syndrome

3. Common peroneal nerve
Question. Foot drop

4. Obturator nerve

5. Femoral nerve

6. Genitofemoral nerve

7. ilio hypogastric and ilio inguinal nerve

3. Tongue nerve supply (Both sensory and motor)

Branches of cranial nerve no 5, 7, 9, 10, and 12 supply to the tongue.
Question. Safty muscle of tongue

4. Eyeball muscles nerve supply

Supplied by cranial nerve no 3, 4, and 6.
Question. Squint

5. Larynx muscles and these nerve supply (Both sensory and motor)

Question. Safty muscles of larynx.
Question. All larynx muscles name and action

6. Retinaculum

1. Flexor Retinaculum of hand-
Question. Carple tunnel syndrome (CTS)

2. Extensor retinaculum of hand

3. Flexor retinaculum of foot-
Question. Tarsal tunnel syndrome (TTS)

4. Extensor retinaculum of foot
5. Peroneal retinaculum

7. Boundaries and content

1. Anterior and posterior triangle of neck
Question. Damage in road fighting (Trauma)
Question. Cervical lymph node examination

2. Intermuscular space in scapular region

3. Cubital fossa
Question. Blood sample collect
Question. Blood pressure measure

4. Anatomical snuff box
Question. Scaphoid bone fracture

5. Hesselbach’s triangle
Question. Direct inguinal hernia

6. Inguinal canal
Question. Indirect inguinal hernia

7. Femoral triangle, femoral canal and femoral ring
Question. Femoral hernia

8. Adductor canal

9. Popliteal fossa

10. Middle ear
Question. Medial and lateral wall of middle ear diagram

11. Nose
Question. Draw the diagram of lateral wall of nose.
Question. Blood supply of lateral and medial wall of nose (Epistaxis or blood from nose).
Question. Littles area (Kiesselbachs plexus)
Question. Nerve supply of lateral and medial wall of nose.

8. Joints

(At first focus on ligaments and movement)

Commonly asked questions on joints.

Question. Dislocation, Fracture of joint
Question. Sprain, Strain injury
Question. Sports man injury

1. TMJ (Temporomandibular Joint)
2. Shoulder joint
3. Elbow joint
4. Hip joint
5. Knee joint
6. Ankle joint
7. Talocalcaneonavicular joint

9. Viscera

A. Heart

1. Right and left coronary artery (Aortic sinus)
Question. Myocardial infraction
Question. Angina pectoris (Chest pain)

2. Heart venous drainage (Coronary sinus)

3. Right atrium interior

4. Pericardium

B. Lung

1. Lung bronchopulmonary segments
Question. Lung cancer

2. Lungs blood supply

3. Root of lung

4. Pleura

C. Stomach

1. Blood supply of stomach or coeliac trunk

2. Stomach bed anatomy or posterior relation of stomach.

3. Greater and lesser omentum

D. Liver

1. Liver segments
Question. Cirrhosis
Question. Portal hypertension

2. Ligaments of liver

3. Porta hepatis

E. Kidney

1. Anterior and posterior relation of kidney

F. Uterus

Question. Hysterectomy – Surgical removal of Uterus 
Question. Uterus prolapse

1. Support of uterus
2. Broad ligament
3. Round ligament

G. Prostate

Question. BPH (Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia)

10. NeuroAnatomy

Cranial nerve no – 5, 7, 9, 10, and 12

1. Trigeminal nerve or CN – 5
Question. Tongue nerve supply (Sensory supply)

2. Facial nerve or CN – 7
Question. Bells Palsy or lower motor neuron (LMN) palsy of facial nerve.

3. Glossopharyngeal nerve or CN – 9
Question. Tympanic plexus (On medial wall of middle ear)

4. Vagus nerve or CN – 10
Question. Nerve Supply of larynx muscles or Recurrent laryngeal nerve.

5. Hypoglossal nerve or CN – 12 and ansa cervicalis
Question. Tongue nerve supply (Motor supply)
Question. Safty muscle of tongue

6. Parasympathetic ganglion (Ciliary, pterygopalatine, submandibular, and otic ganglion)
Question. Pterygopalatine fossa

6. Tracts of spinal cord- Ascending and descending tracts
Question. Babinski sign
Question. Pain pathway
Question. Myelopathy

7. Internal Capsule
Question. Desending tracts of spinal cord

8. Thalamus nuclei
Question. Ascending tracts of spinal cord

9. CSF Circulation
Question. Hydrocephalus

11. Embryology

1. Pharyngeal arches- Five pharyngeal arch 1, 2, 3, 4, and 6
Question. Bone and cartilage derivative
Question. Muscular derivative
Question. Nerve supply- Cranial nerve 5, 7, 9, 10
Question. Branchial fistula

2. Tongue development
Question. Thyroglossal duct

3. Thyroid development and it’s anomalies

4. Heart development
Question. CHD (Congenital Heart Defect)

5. Inter atrial septum development
Question. Fossa ovalis (present between right and lefg atrium of heart)

12. Histology

Suggestion- In histology focus on diagrams.

1. Thyroid
2. Liver
3. Pancreas
4. Ovary
5. Intestine
6. Cerebellum