Thorax anatomy

Thorax anatomy in 7 Days

Heart Anatomy

Pleura, pericardium and peritoneum

Pericardium - Chart and Diagram

Heart external features

Fibrous skeleton of heart

Stenosis and Regurgitation

Right Atrium internal features

Left coronary artery (chart)

mediastinum - Superior and inferior

Lung Anatomy

Sibson’s fascia / supra pleural membrane

Bronchopulmonary segment of lung


Lung - Structure in Root

lung, liver & kidney segment


Aorta parts and it’s branches

Sternal Angle

Blood Supply of Thorax

Coronary, carotid and aortic

Whole Body Blood Supply

Sub Clavian Artery

Axillary Artery

Thoracic Aorta Branch

Heart Blood Supply

Lung Blood Supply

Mammary Gland blood supply

early pregnancy sign : Montgomery's tubercles

Foetal Circulation : CHART

Venous Drainage of Thorax

Heart venous drainage
(coronary sinus)

Azygous, hemiazygous and accessory hemiazygous vein

Others Topics

Thoracic duct

intercostal netve

Clavipectoral Fascia

Triangle of Auscultation

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Ambu bag

Ambu bag parts – 1. Inlet – a. Oxygen inlet: Connect with oxygen cylinder. b. Air inlet: Connect with oxygen reservoir bag. 2. Outlet – a. Mask attach on it.b. One way valve present 3. Pop-off valve 4. Bag AMBU (Artificial Manual Breathing Unit)