Abdominal Aorta

Overview  –

In this topic, we covered branches of the Abdominal Aorta and the blood supply of the Abdominal Viscera.

Abdominal Viscera:

Oesophagus, Stomach, Liver, Spleen, Pancreas, Kidney, Small Intestine (Duodenum, Jejunum, Ilium), Large Intestine (Caecum, Vermiform Appendix, Ascending Colon, Transverse Colon, Descending Colon, Sigmoid Colon, Rectum, Anal Canal), and Gonads.

We read the branches of the abdominal aorta into four parts-

1. Anterior/Ventral Branches-

Total three in number.

A. Coeliac Trunk-

• This is the artery of the Foregut.
• Arise from the abdominal aorta at the level of T-12 (Vertebrae Level).
• It supplies to the esophagus, Stomach, Spleen, Pancreas, Liver, and Duodenum.
Three Branche’s of Coeliac Trunk

1. Left Gastric Artery (along the lesser curvature of Stomach); Supply to the Oesophagus. (through esophageal branches), and Stomach
2. Splenic Artery- Supply to the Spleen.
3. Common Hepatic Artery- It supplies to the Stomach, Liver, Duodenum, and Pancreas.

B. Superior Mesenteric Artery (SMA)-

• This is the artery of the Midgut.
• Arise from the abdominal aorta at the level of L-1 (Vertebrae Level)
• It supplies to the Pancreas, Duodenum, Jejunum, Ilium, Appendix, Caecum, Ascending Colon, and Transverse Colon (Right 2/3).
Branche’s of SMA-

1. Inferior Pancreatic Duodenal Artery- as clear by name it supplies to the Pancreas and Duodenum.
2. Jejunal Artery- as clear by name it supplies to the Jejunum (Small Intestine)
3. ilial Artery – As clear by name it supplies to the Ilium (Small Intestine)
4. ileocolic Artery- Supply to the Appendix
5. Right Colic Artery- Supply to the Ascending Colon (Large Intestine).
6. Middle Colic Artery- Supply to the Right 2/3 of Transverse Colon (Large Intestine).

C. Inferior Mesenteric Artery (IMA)-

• This is the artery of Hindgut.
• Arise from the abdominal aorta at the level of L-3 (Vertebrae Level).
• It supplies to the Transverse Colon (Left 1/3), Descending Colon, Sigmoid Colon, Rectum, and Anal Canal.
• Branche’s of IMA-

1. Left Colic Artery (Ascending and Descending)- Supply to the Transverse Colon (Left 1/3) and Desending Colon
2. Sigmoid Artery- Supply to the Sigmoid Colon
3. Superior Rectal Artery- Supply to the Rectum and Anal Canal

2. Posterior/Dorsal Branche’s-

(Mnemonic- Artery are named in the name of Vertebra and the vertebrae are present in the backward)

• Lumbar Artery
• Median Sacral Artery

3. Lateral Branche’s-

(Mnemonic- इमरती)

; इनफीरियर • Inferior Phrenic Artery
; मिडिल • Middle Supra renal Artery
; रिनल • Renal Artery
ती (~ टे); तीस्टिकुलर (~ टेस्टिकुलर) • Gonadal Artery- Testicular Artery (in male) and Ovarian Artery (in female)

4. Terminal Branche’s-

Total two in number.

• Common iliac Artery (Right and Left Side)-

A. Each Common iliac artery divided into External and Internal iliac arteries.

B. External iliac artery continues below as Femoral Artery (After the crossing of the inguinal ligament) and then Popliteal Artery (You will read it in the blood supply of lower limb)

C. Internal iliac artery divide into Anterior Division and Posterior Division

• Branche’s of Anterior Division of Internal iliac Artery

1. ilio Lumbar Artery
2. Lateral Sacral Artery
3. Superior Gluteal Artery (SGA)

• Branche’s of Posterior Division of Internal iliac Artery

1. Obturator Artery
2. Internal Pudendal Artery
3. Middle Rectal Artery
4. Inferior Gluteal Artery (IGA)
5. Uterine and Vaginal Artery (in female)
6. Inferior Vesical Artery (in the male)

Now you can easily understand which branch of Abdominal Aorta is Paired and which branch is Unpaired:

1. Unpaired Artery-

• Coeliac Trunk
• Superior Mesenteric Artery (SMA)
• Inferior Mesenteric Artery (IMA)
• Median Sacral Artery

2. Paired Artery-

• Lumbar Artery (Right and Left)
• Inferior Phrenic Artery (Right and Left)
• Middle Suprarenal Artery (Right and Left)
• Renal Artery (Right and Left)
• Gonadal artery- Testicular Artery (in the male) and
Ovarian Artery (in female); (Right and Left)
• Common iliac Artery (Right and Left)