Upper limb anatomy

Upper limb Anatomy

Upper Limb Bones

Clavicle Bone

Scapula Bone (chart)

Humerus Bone

Radius Bone (chart)

Ulna Bone (chart)

Correct way to study bones

Upper Limb Muscles

All upper limb muscles and
these nerve supply

Hand and sole muscles

How to remember muscle
origin and insertion

Nerve Plexus

All Nerve plexus (cervical, brachial,
lumbar, sacral plexus)

Brachial plexus - CHART

Erb’s Point & Erb’s palsy

Upper Limb Nerves

Musculocutaneous Nerve

Axillary Nerve

Median Nerve

Ulnar Nerve

Radial Nerve

Winging of Scapula

Foot and Wrist Drop

Radial Nerve

Winging of Scapula

Boundaries, Content

Flexor Retinaculum

Extensor Retinaculum

Cubital Fossa (boumdaries, content & clinicals)

Inter Muscular Space of Scapula : Quadraangular & Triangular

Anatomical Snuff Box

Axilla anatomy

Blood Supply

Whole Body Blood Supply (overall)

Sub Clavian Artery

Axillary Artery

Brachial Artery

Anastomosis Around Scapula (around body & acromian process)

Anastomosis Around Elbow Joint (recurrent & collateral anastomosis)

Superfical & deep Palmar Arches

Anastomosis Around Scapula (around body & acromian process)

Anastomosis Around Elbow Joint (recurrent & collateral anastomosis)

Venous Drainage

Upper Limb Veins (basilic & cephalic vein)

Shoulder Joint

Bicipital Groove


Elbow Joint : CHART

Bicipital Groove

Shoulder Joint : CHART

3 bony point relationship

5 topics, 1 concept

Student’s Elbow

Pronation and supnation

Rotator cuff

Mammary Gland

Clavipectoral Fascia

Early Pregnancy Sign (montgomery tubercle)

Carrying Angle

Pulp Space of Finger

Pulp Space of Finger

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