Overview: In this topic we covered –
- Facial Nerve branches
- Bell’s Palsy
- Bell’s Phenomenon
- Lagophthalmos
- Exposure Keratopathy
- Corneal Ulcers
- Epiphora or Watering Eye
- Paralytic Ectropion
- Treatment

Before studying Bell’s Palsy, you have to know branches of facial nerve and which muscles would it supply.
Facial Nerve: Branches Overview
- Greater Petrosal Nerve: Join Deep Petrosal Nerve ( from Sympathetic nerve plexus around Internal Carotid Artery ) and form Nerve of Pterygoid Canal
- Br. to Stapedius Muscle ( Muscle present in Middle Ear Cavity and supply by Facial Nerve )
- Chorda Tympani Nerve ( CTN ): Carry Taste Sensation ( Special Sensory / Afferent ) from Anterior 2/3 of Tongue
- Posterior Auricular Nerve: Supply to Occipitofrontalis Muscle ( Occipital Belly )
- Br. to Diagastric Muscle: Supply Posterior Belly of Digastric Muscle
- Br. to Stylohyoid: Supply Stylohyoid Muscle
- Terminal Branches: Temporofacial Nerve ( Temporal, Zygomatic branches ) and Cervicofacial Nerve ( Buccal, Marginal Mandibular and Cervical branches ): Supply Facial Muscles
You can easily remember Bell’s Palsy in below 14 Point
[ Point 3 to 12: Denotes Symptoms and Sign of Bell’s Palsy from up to down on the face ] * for detail see the image
- Infra nuclear or LMN ( Lower Motor Neuron ) lesion of the facial nerve or 7th Cranial Nerve ( as result facial muscles are paralyzed and facial expressions are lost )
- [ You will also read it in NeuroAnatomy and ENT: Cranial Nerve and its Disorder ]
- The Upper and lower quarter of the face on the same side ( Right upper and lower / Left Upper and lower ) are paralyzed, as result affected parts of the face are motionless ( due to facial muscles palsy )
- [ You will also read it in Anatomy: Head and Neck: Facial Muscles: SCALP and Around Eye, Nose, Mouth ]
- Forehead wrinkles absent
- Reason: Occipito frontalis muscle paralysis ( Supply by Temporal and Posterior Auricular branch of the facial nerve )
- The patient is unable to close his eye
- Reason: due to paralysis of Orbicularis oculi muscle
- When the patient closes his eye forcefully: Eyeball turn up and out Called: Bell’s Phenomenon
- [ You will also read it in Ophthalmology: Eyelid ]
- Lagophthalmos: the patient is unable to close eyelid completely
- [ You will also read it in Ophthalmology: Eyelid ]
- Exposure Keratopathy: Due to corneal surface of eyeball not fully covered by Eyelid ( as result corneal surface damage )
- [ You will also read it in Ophthalmology: Cornea ]
- Drying of Cornea: lead to Corneal Ulcers
- Reason: Corneal surface of eyeball not fully covered by Eyelid as a result Cornea remains intact with the environment for a long time cornea dry
- + Use Lubricating Eye drops / Artificial Tear: It keeps the corneal surface wet. ( See point 14. )
- [ You will also read it in Ophthalmology: Cornea ]
- When the patient closes his eye forcefully: Eyeball turn up and out Called: Bell’s Phenomenon
- Reason: due to paralysis of Orbicularis oculi muscle
- Tear overflow on the cheek: Called Epiphora / Watering Eye
- Reason: due to Paralytic Ectropion ( Out rolling of the eyelid margin ) tear drainage decreases and tear flow on the cheek
- [ You will also read it in Ophthalmology: Eye Lid ]
- Hyperacusis
- Reason: due to paralysis of stapedius muscle ( Supply by Facial Nerve )
- Nasolabial fold absent ( present between nose and mouth )
- Sagging of angle of mouth
- Drooping of Saliva from the angle of the mouth ( due to palsy of Orbicularis Oris Muscle )
- Reason: due to paralysis of Orbicularis Oris Muscle ( for more detail read 10. point )
- Articulation of labial is impaired: as a result air leak between two lips
- Reason: due to paralysis of Orbicularis Oris Muscle ( Supply by Facial Nerve )
- During Mastication food accumulate between teeth and cheek ( Vestibule )
- Taste sensation loss from Anterior 2/3 of tongue
- Reason: because taste sensation from Anterior 2/3 of the tongue are carried out by Chorda Tympani Nerve ( branch of the facial nerve )
- Paralyzed upper and lower quarter of face pulled towards health side: Facial Asymmetry
- Reason: Paralysed side of the face is pulled by the muscle of the health side of the face.
- Treatment :
- Lubricating eye drops or Artificial tears: It keeps the corneal surface wet. ( see point 4. )
- Steroids: Prednisone ( decrease inflammation and oedema)
- Steroids: Prednisone ( decrease inflammation and oedema)
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