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Inguinal canal, direct and indirect inguinal hernia

Total number of questions - 12

1 / 12

1. During hydrocele aspiration needle pass through which of following layers -

A. Internal spermatic fascia
B. Tunica vaginalis
C. Skin
D. Dartos muscle
E. Cremasteric muscle
F. Tunica albuginea

Choose correct option-

2 / 12

2. Superficial inguinal ring present in -

3 / 12

3. Which artery is present on medial relation of the deep inguinal ring -

4 / 12

4. Deep inguinal ring present in -

5 / 12

5. True about anterior relation of inguinal canal -

A. Fascia camper
B. Fascia scarpa
C. Fascia lata
D. Buck's fascia

Choose correct option -

6 / 12

6. Conjoint tendon is formed by -

7 / 12

7. Content of inguinal canal in male -

A. Spermatic cord
B. ilio inguinal nerve
C. ilio hypogastric nerve
D. Genital branch of genitofemoral nerve
E. Round ligament

Choose correct option -

8 / 12

8. True about direct inguinal hernia -

A. Due to processus vaginalis
B. Due to weak abdominal wall
C. Through deep inguinal ring
D. Through hesselbach's triangle

Choose correct option -

9 / 12

9. Which artery form lateral boundary of hesselbach’s triangle -

10 / 12

10. Choose true about content of deep inguinal ring -

A. ilio inguinal nerve
B. Spermatic cord
C. Inferior epigastric artery
D. ilio hypogastric nerve
E. Rounded ligament of uterus

11 / 12

11. Choose true statement -

12 / 12

12. Choose the correct option about deep inguinal ring position -

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The average score is 54%


Created on By TCML

Abdomen Anatomy

Let’s check your anatomy knowledge.

Total nu. of questions - 10

1 / 10

Question 1. Visceral peritoneum is derived from -

2 / 10

Question 2. True about abdominal aorta branches -

3 / 10

Question 3. True about calot’s triangle boundaries - 

A. Common bile duct

B. Cystic duct

C. Common hepatic duct

Choose correct option -

4 / 10

Question 4. Content of alcock’s canal -

5 / 10

Question 5. True about posterior relation of kidney -

6 / 10

Question 6. Which vein drain directly into inferior vena cava -

7 / 10

Question 7. Content of inguinal canal in male -

A. Spermatic cord
B. ilio inguinal nerve
C. ilio hypogastric nerve
D. Genital branch of genitofemoral nerve
E. Round ligament

Choose correct option -

8 / 10

Question 8. Inferior mesenteric vein drain into -

9 / 10

Question 9. Which structure pass through porta hepatis - 

(from anterior to posterior)

10 / 10

Question 10. Choose correct statement about mid point of inguinal ligament -

ASIS - Anterior superior iliac spine

AIIS - Anterior inferior iliac spine

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The average score is 43%


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Great sir 👍

January 6, 2024

It was last ke a saviour for me when I got panicked on how to learn anatomy but this not only made my anatomy easy but also fun and exciting

December 26, 2023

Very nice 👍

Hetal desai
December 8, 2023

Nice one

Rao Adil
November 19, 2023

Sir can u plz send more quizzes on upper limb anatomy 🙏

Varsshinie Gangundi
November 15, 2023

