Intercostal nerves
Chart Highlights- 1. Medial cutaneous nerve of arm 2. Intercostobrachial nerve (T2) 3. Typical and Atypical Intercostal nerve 4. Subcostal nerve
Intercostal nerves Read More »
Chart Highlights- 1. Medial cutaneous nerve of arm 2. Intercostobrachial nerve (T2) 3. Typical and Atypical Intercostal nerve 4. Subcostal nerve
Intercostal nerves Read More »
Diagram Highlights- 1. Right venous valve 2. Left venous valve 3. Crista terminalis 4. Eustachian valve 5. Thebesian valve 6. Triangle of koch7. Torus aorticus (right posterior aortic sinus)8. Fossa ovalis 9. Ebstein anomaly
If we want to understand the blood supply of the whole body, then we have to first read the branches of the aorta because aorta supplies oxygenated blood to our body. Here we will study the main arteries of the body into two parts. 1. Aorta part’s and it’s branches 2. Whole Body Blood Supply-