Gastroesophageal reflux disease

What is GERD?

Due to Reflux of gastric content/content from stomach to esophagus.

Cause of GERD-

Due to decrease lower esophageal sphincter (LES) tone, LES is not properly closed, as result gastric content reflux into esophagus and damage the mucosa of esophagus. (See Treatmentof GERD – Prokinetic drug)

Treatment of GERD –

1. PPI (Proton pump inhibitor) :

MOA (Mechanism of action) – Inhibit gastric acid secretion

eg. Pantoprazole, rabeprazole

2. H2 blocker :

MOA – Inhibit gastric acid secretion

eg. Ranitidine

3. Antacid :

MOA – Neutralize gastric acid

eg. Sodium bicarbonate

4. Sodium aliginate :


• These drug Increase viscosity of gastric content viscosity

• It floats on the surface, As a result gastric acid could not have direct contact with esophageal mucosa

eg. Alginic acid

5. Prokinetic drug :


• These drug Increase lower esophageal sphincter tone as result gastric content reflux into esophagus and damage the mucosa of esophagus. (See cause of GERD)

• Increase gastric empty

eg. Metoclopramide


1. Sharma & Sharma’s, Principles of Pharmacology, 3rd Edition

2. KD Tripathi, Essentials of medical Pharmacology, 8th Edition

3. Robbins & Cotran, Pathologic Basis of Disease, South asia edition, Volume 2

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