Right atrium
Diagram Highlights- 1. Right venous valve 2. Left venous valve 3. Crista terminalis 4. Eustachian valve 5. Thebesian valve 6. Triangle of koch7. Torus aorticus (right posterior aortic sinus)8. Fossa ovalis 9. Ebstein anomaly
Diagram Highlights- 1. Right venous valve 2. Left venous valve 3. Crista terminalis 4. Eustachian valve 5. Thebesian valve 6. Triangle of koch7. Torus aorticus (right posterior aortic sinus)8. Fossa ovalis 9. Ebstein anomaly
Chart Highlights- 1. Femoral triangle 2. Femoral sheath – It is divided into three compartment (Lateral, intermediate and lateral)3. Femoral canal – It is the medial compartment of femoral sheath.4. Femoral ring – It is the base of femoral canal.
Femoral triangle, sheath and canal Read More »
Chart Highlights- 1. Shoulder joint relation 2. Coraco acromial arch 3. Musculo tendinious cuff 4. Bicipital groove 5. Axillary artery (1st rib, pectoralis minor, and teres major)
Chart Highlights- 1. Coronoid process 2. Coronoid fossa 3. Coranoid process 4. Olecranon process 5. Olecranon fossa 6. Trochlear notch 7. Trochlea 8. Radial notch 9. Radial fossa
Anastomosis around scapula- 1. Anastomosis over acromion process 2. Anastomosis around body of scapula
Scapular anastomosis Read More »
1. Transverse perineal muscle a. Superficial (two in number) b. Deep (two in number) 2. Bulbo spongiosus muscle (two in number) 3. Levator ani (two in number) 4. Extensor anal sphincter 5. Longitudinal muscle coat of anal canal
Chart Overview – 1. Sorbitol or polyol pathway 2. Glycolysis3. Fructose metabolism4. Galactose metabolism5. Uronic acid pathway6. Glycogenesis7. Glycogenolysis 8. Pentose phosphate pathway9. Gluconeogenesis 10. Krebs cycle
Carbohydrate metabolism Read More »
It is perform to examine the artery patency. Hand blood supply- 1. Superficial palmar arch 2. Deep palmar arch
Hello Guy’s! I am Pawan nagar from TCML Team. In this article we will try to understand, How can we easily understand the femur bones (Side determination, external features, and attachment) and remember them for a long time. Here we are give an superficial idea to study femur bone and if you want to study