Elbow joint
Chart Highlights- 1. Coronoid process 2. Coronoid fossa 3. Coranoid process 4. Olecranon process 5. Olecranon fossa 6. Trochlear notch 7. Trochlea 8. Radial notch 9. Radial fossa
Chart Highlights- 1. Coronoid process 2. Coronoid fossa 3. Coranoid process 4. Olecranon process 5. Olecranon fossa 6. Trochlear notch 7. Trochlea 8. Radial notch 9. Radial fossa
Charts highlights- 1. Glycogenesis or glycogen synthesis2. Phospho glucomutase3. UDP – Glucose (Activated Glucose)4. Glycogenin5. Glycogen Primer (GP)6. Glycogen Synthase (GS)7. Branching Enzyme (BE)
Anastomosis around scapula- 1. Anastomosis over acromion process 2. Anastomosis around body of scapula
Scapular anastomosis Read More »
Lactic acidosis cause- 1. Due to increase production of lactic acid (anaerobic condition – hypoxia, anoxia, shock etc.) 2. Due to decrease utilization of lactic acid (gluconeogenesis and krebs cycle)
1. Transverse perineal muscle a. Superficial (two in number) b. Deep (two in number) 2. Bulbo spongiosus muscle (two in number) 3. Levator ani (two in number) 4. Extensor anal sphincter 5. Longitudinal muscle coat of anal canal
Chart Overview- 1. Pentose Phosphate Pathway 2. Hemolytic Anemia 3. G-6-phosphate dehydrogenase enzyme4. Glutathione 5. Glutathione peroxidase and reductase 6. Heinz bodies
Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency Read More »