Palmar arch
Chart Highlights- 1. Ulnar artery 2. Radial artery3. Superficial palmar arch4. Deep palmar arch5. Palmar metacarple artery 6. Common palmar digital artery 7. Proper palmar digital artery
Chart Highlights- 1. Ulnar artery 2. Radial artery3. Superficial palmar arch4. Deep palmar arch5. Palmar metacarple artery 6. Common palmar digital artery 7. Proper palmar digital artery
Chart Highlights- 1. Femoral triangle 2. Femoral sheath – It is divided into three compartment (Lateral, intermediate and lateral)3. Femoral canal – It is the medial compartment of femoral sheath.4. Femoral ring – It is the base of femoral canal.
Femoral triangle, sheath and canal Read More »
Chart Highlights- 1. Shoulder joint relation 2. Coraco acromial arch 3. Musculo tendinious cuff 4. Bicipital groove 5. Axillary artery (1st rib, pectoralis minor, and teres major)
Chart Highlights- 1. Coronoid process 2. Coronoid fossa 3. Coranoid process 4. Olecranon process 5. Olecranon fossa 6. Trochlear notch 7. Trochlea 8. Radial notch 9. Radial fossa
Charts highlights- 1. Glycogenesis or glycogen synthesis2. Phospho glucomutase3. UDP – Glucose (Activated Glucose)4. Glycogenin5. Glycogen Primer (GP)6. Glycogen Synthase (GS)7. Branching Enzyme (BE)