
Intermuscular Spaces

Overview- In this article we covered. • Quadrangular Space • Upper Triangular Space • Lower Triangular Space • Axillary Nerve • Lower Subscapular Nerve • Radial Nerve • Axillary Artery branches (PCHA and Circumflex scapular artery) • Brachial Artery branches (Profunda or Deep brachii artery) Mnemonic- 3 Spaces, 3 Muscles, and 3 Artery. 3 SPACES: […]

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Hip Joint

Ligaments of Hip Joint- Overview: In this article we covered. 1. Ligament of head of the femur 2. Acetabular labrum 3. Transverse acetabular ligament 4. Capsular ligament or fibrous capsule of the hip joint 5. iliofemoral ligament or Ligament of Bigelow 6. Ischio femoral ligament 7. Pubofemoral ligament You can easily understand all ligament of

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Larynx Anatomy

Overview- In this article we covered- • Larynx Intrinsic muscles (Total 9 muscles) • Vagus nerve (Superior and inferior/recurrent laryngeal nerve) • Pharyngeal arch (4th and 6th arch) Larynx muscles (Intrinsic muscles) ● Development– All Intrinsic Muscles of the Larynx are developed from the 6th pharyngeal arch except the Cricothyroid muscle (this is developed from

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Carotid artery

OVERVIEW- In this article we covered- A. External carotid artery and its branchesB. Maxillary artery and its branches C. Maxillary nerve (Trigeminal nerve) and its branches Branches of External carotid artery (ECA) • this is the branch of the common carotid artery (Common carotid artery divide into two part; external and internal carotid artery- see

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Cubital Fossa

Overview 1. Features- Shape, Location & Homologous 2. Boundaries- Lateral, Medial, Apex, Floor, Roof & Floor3. Content- M B T R4. Clinicals- Blood Pressure Measure, Brachial Pulse, Intra Venous Injection, Collection of Blood Sample, Fracture, Volkmann’s Ischemic Contracture, 1. FEATURES This is triangular in shape- So it has three border- Lateral, Medial, Lower ( Base

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Bell’s Palsy

Overview:  In this topic we covered – Facial Nerve branches Bell’s Palsy Bell’s Phenomenon Lagophthalmos Exposure Keratopathy Corneal Ulcers Epiphora or Watering Eye Paralytic Ectropion Treatment Facial Nerve: Branches Overview Greater Petrosal Nerve: Join Deep Petrosal Nerve ( from Sympathetic nerve plexus around Internal Carotid Artery ) and form Nerve of Pterygoid Canal Br. to

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