
Gastroesophageal reflux disease

What is GERD? Due to Reflux of gastric content/content from stomach to esophagus. Cause of GERD- Due to decrease lower esophageal sphincter (LES) tone, LES is not properly closed, as result gastric content reflux into esophagus and damage the mucosa of esophagus. (See Treatmentof GERD – Prokinetic drug) Treatment of GERD – 1. PPI (Proton

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Stomach bed

Chart Overview-  A. Stomach bedB. Stomach posterior relation Stomach bed is also called posterior relation of stomach because structures that form stomach bed are present posterior side of stomach. Total eight structures form the stomach bed which is given below. 1. Diaphragm (left crus)2. Suprarenal gland (Left side)3. Kidney (Left side)4. Splenic artery (It is

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GallBladder stone

Complications of gallstone/cholelithiasis- 1. Obstruction of extra hepatic biliary apparatus and gastrointestinal tract 2. Compression of common hepatic duct and common bile duct 3. Fistula between gallbladder and it’s surrounding structures 1. Obstruction – A. Extra hepatic biliary apparatus (EHBA) – 1. Cystic duct (CD)Due to obstruction of cystic duct by gallstone it causes acute

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Femoral nerve

Overview 1. Femoral nerve and it’s branches 2. Cutaneous nerve of thigh 3. Patellar plexus 4. Muscles of anterior compartment of thigh 5. Hip joint nerve supply 6. Knee joint nerve supply 7. Clinicals In lower limb anatomy we study five main nerves 1. Femoral nerve 2. Obturator nerve 3. Sciatic nerve 4. Tibial nerve

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