Hesselbach’s triangle
Hesselbach’s triangle Read More »
Chart Highlights- 1. Femoral triangle 2. Femoral sheath – It is divided into three compartment (Lateral, intermediate and lateral)3. Femoral canal – It is the medial compartment of femoral sheath.4. Femoral ring – It is the base of femoral canal.
Femoral triangle, sheath and canal Read More »
Chart Highlights- 1. Shoulder joint relation 2. Coraco acromial arch 3. Musculo tendinious cuff 4. Bicipital groove 5. Axillary artery (1st rib, pectoralis minor, and teres major)
Chart Highlights- 1. Coronoid process 2. Coronoid fossa 3. Coranoid process 4. Olecranon process 5. Olecranon fossa 6. Trochlear notch 7. Trochlea 8. Radial notch 9. Radial fossa
It is perform to examine the artery patency. Hand blood supply- 1. Superficial palmar arch 2. Deep palmar arch
Complications of gallstone/cholelithiasis- 1. Obstruction of extra hepatic biliary apparatus and gastrointestinal tract 2. Compression of common hepatic duct and common bile duct 3. Fistula between gallbladder and it’s surrounding structures 1. Obstruction – A. Extra hepatic biliary apparatus (EHBA) – 1. Cystic duct (CD)Due to obstruction of cystic duct by gallstone it causes acute
Overview – 1. SCALP layer’s 2. Meninges 3. Extra cranial or SCALP haemorrhage 4. Intra cranial hemorrhage 5. Cause Download here Layers from outside to inside – 1. Skin 2. Connective tissue 3. Aponeurosis or epicranial aponeurosis or galea aponeurotica 4. Loose connective tissue / Sub aponeurotic space 5. Pericardium / Outer periosteum 6. Outer
Intracranial hemorrhage Read More »
Overview – 1. Subarachnoid space 2. Cause 3. Clinical features 4. Diagnosis ● Subarachnoid space – It is present between arachnoid and piamater. ● Circle of willis (COW) and CSF both are present in subarachnoid space (Inter peduncular cistern) NOTE – Inter peduncular cistern is a subarachnoid space and it contain circle of willis. ●
SubarachnoId hemorrhage Read More »
Overview- 1. Vertebral Artery- 4th part (Five branches)2. Basilar Artery- Five branches 3. Internal Carotid Artery (ICA)- 4th part (Five branches)4. Circle of Willis (COW)- Draw hexagon 5. Cerebellum blood supply- Three artery 6. Clinicals- Stroke, Ataxia, PICA syndrome (Wallenberg syndrome or Lateral medullary syndrome) NOTE: Vertebral, and Internal carotid artery- • Both artery are
Brain blood supply Read More »
Overview- 1. Boundaries- Anterior, posterior, superior, inferior, lateral, and medial. 2. Communication- Infratemporal fossa. 3. Content- Muscle, artery, and nerve. ● It is a fan shape, shallow fossa. ● Two in number and present on anterolateral side of the skull. ● Temporalis muscle (Fan shape muscle) are attached on it. 1. Boundaries- The boundaries of