
Femoral triangle, sheath and canal

Chart Highlights- 1. Femoral triangle 2. Femoral sheath – It is divided into three compartment (Lateral, intermediate and lateral)3. Femoral canal – It is the medial compartment of femoral sheath.4. Femoral ring – It is the base of femoral canal.

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GallBladder stone

Complications of gallstone/cholelithiasis- 1. Obstruction of extra hepatic biliary apparatus and gastrointestinal tract 2. Compression of common hepatic duct and common bile duct 3. Fistula between gallbladder and it’s surrounding structures 1. Obstruction – A. Extra hepatic biliary apparatus (EHBA) – 1. Cystic duct (CD)Due to obstruction of cystic duct by gallstone it causes acute

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Intracranial hemorrhage

Overview – 1. SCALP layer’s 2. Meninges 3. Extra cranial or SCALP haemorrhage 4. Intra cranial hemorrhage 5. Cause Download here Layers from outside to inside – 1. Skin 2. Connective tissue 3. Aponeurosis or epicranial aponeurosis or galea aponeurotica 4. Loose connective tissue / Sub aponeurotic space 5. Pericardium / Outer periosteum 6. Outer

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SubarachnoId hemorrhage

Overview – 1. Subarachnoid space 2. Cause 3. Clinical features 4. Diagnosis ● Subarachnoid space – It is present between arachnoid and piamater. ● Circle of willis (COW) and CSF both are present in subarachnoid space (Inter peduncular cistern) NOTE – Inter peduncular cistern is a subarachnoid space and it contain circle of willis. ●

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Brain blood supply

Overview- 1. Vertebral Artery- 4th part (Five branches)2. Basilar Artery- Five branches 3. Internal Carotid Artery (ICA)- 4th part (Five branches)4. Circle of Willis (COW)- Draw hexagon 5. Cerebellum blood supply- Three artery 6. Clinicals- Stroke, Ataxia, PICA syndrome (Wallenberg syndrome or Lateral medullary syndrome) NOTE: Vertebral, and Internal carotid artery- • Both artery are

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Temporal fossa

Overview- 1. Boundaries- Anterior, posterior, superior, inferior, lateral, and medial. 2. Communication- Infratemporal fossa. 3. Content- Muscle, artery, and nerve. ● It is a fan shape, shallow fossa. ● Two in number and present on anterolateral side of the skull. ● Temporalis muscle (Fan shape muscle) are attached on it. 1. Boundaries- The boundaries of

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